Monday 29 November 2010


At the start of the month, a challenge was given
For 50,000 words – a novel – to be written
So I sat at my computer and stared at the screen
Tentatively typing out the very first scene
The plot was still vague, the characters hazy
I’d only just moved – this challenge was crazy!
There were days when I thought it would be better to quit
Each word was an effort, with writer’s block I was hit
"Why write a story that no-one wanted to read?"
A little voice said, but still I had to succeed
In completing the challenge – if only just for myself
Who cared if the finished story was just left on a shelf?
And so as the month carried on, the story kept growing
The word count grew higher, at last inspiration was flowing
This challenge was one I was determined to win
Now I have a completed first draft – let the editing begin!

Friday 5 November 2010

Writer's block

Oh, what can I write? My brain’s gone to sleep,
I lack inspiration which makes me just want to weep.
My thoughts are a blank and my mind’s in a maze -
It would seem that today is just one of those days!
I free-write for ten minutes in an attempt to get started,
But alas my creativity has sadly departed;
Can’t seem to focus on characters or places or plot,
All my pen can produce on the page is a blot.
I’m hunched over my notebook and chewing my pen;
Looks like writer’s block has hit me once again.